Monday, August 24, 2009

Vacation's over!

Wow, after a long relaxing summer, I can't believe that it's actually over! Man, time flies really fast! I am officially a senior at Dulles 2010! woo hoo! My first day didn't really go in what I expected. My classes are pretty boring and my closest friends aren't in my classes, except for English. This year will be a good and relaxing year as I expect, but yet it will be quite stressful, due to the fact I am a senior and will be applying into colleges and what not. Hope everything continues to go well as the year goes on. God bless you all with a wonderful year!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

A week long of partying and band!

My week is finally over! Thank God! I had the most amazing and blessed week ever! Here are the things I did.

-Had marching band the whole week. Everyday seems to be long since we have rehearsal from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm. One hour of lunch break. 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm for sectionals. I get to go home and take a nap. After resting for a little bit, we have evening rehearsal from 6:00 to 8:00 pm.

After a week long of nonstop rehearsal, Friday is the happy day! We did not have morning rehearsal since it was teacher in service in the morning, so therefore we had a two-hour practice from 4-6 then rock-a-thon!

Overall, the week was really good but I have to say, I had total of three parties I attended.

After band practice, I headed off the work for my company pool party. When I got there, two of my co-workers threw me into the pool and jumped me! It was a very fun night because it was a party for all of the lifeguards to relax and have fun. We all went pretty crazy and fought with each other for fun! At the end, our bosses make a remark that we are great guards and we must finish strong towards the end of the season. One of our assistant managers cried because she missed all of us since she is about to go off for college. Well, good luck to everyone and thanks for a great season!

Rock-a-thon was amazing although I hurt my toe while playing dodge ball. Dodge ball was very fun although my team kept losing. I finally challenged some of the band moms, Kelly, Lena, Travis, Austin and Jonathan to arm-wrestle. They all beat me except some I was able to beat with my right hand. I need to work out more and beat them next time! The dancing was fun, except my partner bailed be and I didn't have anyone to dance with. I kept asking for random people but they didn't feel like it. Even Jordan's mom, Mrs. Grace tried to hook me with someone, so sweet of her! Overall, the whole night was very fun but I got bored at the very end so my mom picked me up before 11.

Went to lunch with my mom at taco bell since my dad was in San Francisco for a business meeting. After lunch, I had to get a haircut for my senior pictures. Me and my mom made a wrong turn on Williams Trace so we ended up getting lost. It was a nice tour though getting lost as we were in Austin Parkway because we passed through three beautiful churches: Christ United Methodist, St. Laurence, and Fishers of Men Lutheran. My haircut was really quick so my mom and I went to look at cards. Finally, we went to buy food to make for dinner that night!

After choir practice, we went to Hong's farwell party since he's leaving to Oklahoma for the school year. It was a great time fellowship with one and other. Played in the pool for three hours and games till 10 pm. Me and William got kinda bored during the games so we talked but wanting to fall asleep. Great times to get together!

Thanks God for a wonderful blessed week and hope each day gets better and better!

Monday, August 10, 2009

First day of blogging

Hey all, this is my first day of using blogspot. Let me know what I can do to make my site looks good!